Saturday, February 8, 2014

Review The Lego Movie

Dave's Review 

Well... Mom and Dad took Me and JonJon to watch The Lego Movie last night... It was AWESOME... Emmett is the "Special" who is supposed to defeat the Evil President Business. It was great...there was so much action, and I liked all the different Lego worlds.

 Emmett has the help of Wyldstyle and her boyfriend Batman...I didn't really like Batman he was soooo serious. The 1980 something space guy was cool... he kept wanting to build a spaceship. I really liked the ending of the movie as playing with Lego's and imagination is important.

JonJon (my little brother) now has a favorite song "Everything is Awesome" and he watched the whole movie also and he is 4.

Great... Totally Epic and Awesome Movie... Perfect for all Lego lovers... And the Krackle is evil... Doesn't belong on Lego's... Seriously.

I rate this Movie 5 of 5 Epic Stars 

Check out the Movie Trailer...